Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Blog Coming Soon!

I admit, the whole blogging thing.......I've not been really good at it. But, anyone can make change for the better so....I'm working with a designer for a new one, that fits me and can tell me what buttons I can and can't push. This stuff is like a foreign widgets and other crazy words that I can't think of right now.

So, this is my vow.....(with right hand up) I will post every session because every single one is important and special to me. And even though my writing skills could be better, actually writing is practice. I will put myself out there and introduce me to the world. Along side me, my Websters dictionary that I've had since high school....branded with the phone number of my B.F.F Monica...although faded but yet still legible.

I really do like the first of the year its a time to renew yourself and make changes. You have to in the world of business you have to keep evolving constantly. So, this is one of my new years resolution, to make changes for the better, for myself and my business. In order be a successful photographer you have to successful in many different areas. Photography is 20% taking pictures and 80% business.

I shall conclude with a few slideshows...........

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